Chemtree Corp. is a chemical trading and domestic sales company in Korea.
We will be a good partner in your business with our extensive experience, knowledge and foreign network in the chemical industry.

Our main exporting countries include China, India, Middle East and Southeast Asia. In addition, we also imports from many countries.

To conclude, I'm very confident that could be a good partner.


(SAMPLE)The world is currently facing a number of problems unfolding on a global scale, including climate change, water resource shortages, and resource and energy issues. Also, the startling pace of progress in the fields of information and communication technology (ICT), the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI) is bringing momentous social change. Given the rapid changes likely to take place in our business environment, we need to be able to accurately anticipate coming changes and respond quickly.

We will contribute to the sustainable development of the world, and thus improve corporate value sustainably, by solving the issues facing people, society and the Earth through our Group’s collective capabilities under our vision of realizing sustainability.

We would appreciate your understanding for our company's approach to value creation, and I look forward to your continued support and encouragement.


Our main Items are as below:
1. Export items
- MIBK, DIBK, BPA, PHENOL, ACTN, EPOXY ? Korea origin, drum or bulk, export to china, india, aeasia, middle east
- BG, BDG, BTG, MDG, MTG, EEP, NMP, DPM ? Korea origin or USA, EU , bulk or drum packing, export to CHINA, SEASIA, INDIA, MIDDLE EAST.
- AN monomer ? Korea origin, drum packing, export to INDIA, MALAYSIA
- Glycerin ? Korea origin, flexi-bag packing, export to CHINA, IRAN

2. Import items
- PM, PMA, MEK, ANON, AA, EA, BA,PG ? import from CHINA
- Used cooking Oil, KOH, ? import from Taiwan, Bulk
- TEG, DAA, NBA ? import from INDIA, drum or bulk